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Sönke Ludwig • Fri, 15 Mar 2024

Drag'n'Drop on Linux and Synchronization Improvements · Aspect Preview 36

Even though this is not a complete implementation, yet, the latest release now supports drag and drop of images within and into the application on Linux. This greatly enhances the usability, especially when working with collections. We also improved the library clone and sync performance and fixed a few stability issues.

Dragging files on Linux

Drag and drop on Linux (X11) is a rather complex and somewhat obscure functionality. As typical for X11, the burden of the implementation is put on the individual applications or application frameworks. Since we are implementing our own framework, this means that we have to implement the complete protocol manually.

At this point, the basic mechanics of receiving and initiating drag'n'drop operations are implemented for files, so that all of the major use cases are functional now. Still missing are things such as dragging other kind of data, drag cursors and images, properly handling all possible drag operations or right-click dragging with context menu, as well as various corner cases.

The implementation will be improved in these regards as needed, but for the time being we are happy to have a fully functional version of the application.

Synchronization Improvements

Especially noticeable on larger libraries, we've reduced the time required for the initial cloning of a library catalog considerably. This also affects later synchronizations, although those are usually much quicker. The first phase of the clone/sync process now also shows a progress indicator, allowing to see better what is going on during that time.

In addition to these high-level improvements, several issues related to synchronization have been fixed in this release. The next goal is to get the implementation solid enough to be able to reasonably encourage more real-world testing and remove the "experimental" badge.

Finally, several issues that had been reported through the crash reported have been fixed. As usual, see the change log for the full list of changes.

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