
One Photo in Multiple Places

Collections are like virtual folders. The same photo can be in any number of collections, without taking up any additional disk space.

Photos from the Baltic area
‘Best of’ collection for business
For Anna
Photos to be e-mailed to Anna

But There’s a Difference…

Aspect’s collections are more than just a bunch of albums
  1. Showing Only What Matters

    Collections with photos belonging to the current view are accessible right at the top of the screen. With a single click, only the photos from that collection will be shown, similar to browsing a sub folder. Read more

  2. Outstanding Efficiency

    Select photos to be added to or removed from a collection in an instant. Reveal images that are part of a collection without a single click. Read more

Collections let you organize as efficiently as with star ratings or color labes, but offer even greater flexibility than tags and albums.

Two Ways to Access Collections

The selective collection bar and the global organization panel
Collection Bar
Organization Panel

The Collection Bar

Relevant collections with speedy access

The collection bar only shows you the collections that have images in common with the current event or view, keeping your focus on what is actually relevant.

Quick add/remove
Never forget its meaning
Photo count
Amount of images contained

Some Cool Things You Can Do with the Collection Bar

Hover Mode

When moving the mouse cursor over a collection, the items that are part of the collection will immediately be highlighted, giving a quick overview of its contents


Each collection can have a fixed alphabetic shortcut assigned, so that the same key can be used to add or remove photos, regardless of where you are

Quick Select

The quick select button allows to enter a mode in which many items can be added to or removed from the collection, each with just a single click

Even in Details View

You have access to the full organization features of Aspect in the details view. Zoom, inspect and compare while your collections always stay under your fingertips.

The Organization Panel

Global access to all collections
View all photos of a collection, grouped by the events that they are contained in
Saved Searches
Use search expressions to create procedurally generated collections, also known as smart albums
Groups can be used to arbitrarily organize collections and saved searches, such as in terms of project or year

More Features

Nested Collections

Collections can be part of another collection to form arbitrary hierarchies.

Photos in a sub collection are automatically part of their ancestor collections — in a hierarchy of animal species, a photo in the “mouse” collection would also be part of the ancestor collections “rodents” and “mammals”.

Pinned Items

Any item in the “ORGANIZATION” section has a little pin icon that can be used to add it to the “PINNED” section at the top of the organization panel.

If you have many collections, you can use this to keep frequently used collections readily accessible, without interfering with your organization structure.

New Perspectives on Your Photos

Benefit from the context sensitive nature of collections

When opening a collection from the organization panel, the photos it contains will be grouped by their event by default, providing a new perspective to look at your library.

Different Collection Types

Collections are more than just sets of images

Standard Collections

Collections can be used alone, or can be nested to form arbitrary hierarchies. A photo can be in any number of collections at the same time, providing a maximum amount of flexibility for organization tasks.

Similar to a swiss army knife, collections combine the best properties of albums, tags and color labels, as found in other photo organization software, but in a clear and uniform concept.

Taxonomy Collections

For categories that are unambiguously assigned to each photo, as well as for advanced photo culling tasks, it is often desirable to have a way to ensure that a photo cannot be in multiple collections of a hierarchy.

Taxonomy collections do exactly that — within a taxonomy collection hierarchy, each photo can only be in a single place, mimicking a virtual folder hierarchy where photos can be moved between folders.

Export Collections

Exporting photos often is a repeating task — repeated for every project and often repeated after changes to the source set of images.

Export collections remove the burden of having to manually manage exports and instead automatically keep a folder with exported photos in sync with the contents of the export collection.